About Me and Photography
In 1994 the magic of the darkroom touched my heart at the time when a good friend introduced me to the world of analogue photography. My path with and to photography began.
I finished a school for design & photography in 2000 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since then I exhibited in numerous individual and group exhibitions. I graduated in 2008/2010 in philosophy (with a thesis entitled “The Role and Importance of Photography in Conceptual Arts”) and German studies (Literature and Film: Comparative Study of narrative models). In 2012 I was employed in a digital company in Vienna, Austria as food photographer and content manager.
Since 2018 I have been working as a freelance photographer, artist, and life explorer, mainly focusing on photography, however since then my path unfolded in many other areas and projects.
2013 – Food & Product Photography Advanced Workshop
London School of Photography, London (UK)
2001-2008/2010 – Philosophy and German Studies
University of Maribor (Slovenia)
1995-1999 – School for Photography and Design
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
From 2012 until 2018 as a food photographer and content manager at the digital company ichkoche.at.
Executed projects for diverse customers and brands:
Ja!Natürlich, Toppits, Quality First, Landleben, Conte DeCesare, Manner, Storck, Nordsee, Handl Tyrol, Zurück zum Ursprung, Steirer Kraft, Sonnentor, Bierland Österreich, Riso Gallo, Kenwood, Philips, Chef Menü, Recheis, Kelly’s, Ströck etc.
Since 2018:
Restaurants and brands: Marenberg cafe, Iskreno gostinstvo, Danone
- Engstler, Meine Lieblingsrezepte, Pichler Verlag, 2015
- Wienerin, December, 2016
- Wienerin, Juli, 2015
- Ichkoche.at Newspaper Editions, 2012-2019
Solo exhibitions
- 2017, Smoking Escapade of Blanka Kefer, Zigutamve Photography, Vienna, Austria
- 2016, Smoking Escapade of Blanka Kefer, Galerija K18, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2015, Bread ™, JSKD, Radlje ob Dravi, Slovenia
- 2011; Multikulti Afrika, Pas de Probleme, Kino Udarnik, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2010, Portraits of Jan Šmarčan, JSKD, Muta, Slovenia
- 2005, Human against Nature? Nature against man?, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2002, Human against Nature? Nature against man?, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Group exhibitions
- 2018, TSUNK, Triennial of Contemporary Art in Koroška, KGLU – Koroška galleria likovnih umetnosti, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- 2015, A Look, A Look at Slovenian Visual Arts at Home and Across the Borderline, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, Slovenia
- 2015, A Look, A Look at Slovenian Visual Arts at Home and Across the Borderline, Galerija sodobnih umetnosti, Celje, Slovenia
- 2014, A Look, A Look at Slovenian Visual Arts at Home and Across the Borderline, Galerija Božidar Jakac – Lamutov likovni salon, Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
- 2012, Trenutek-Augenblick-Moment, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- 2011, Izza Imeni, Galerija Pekmez, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2011, Pas de Probleme, Zavod Udarnik, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2008, Tripopis, Zavod Kultivacija Ruše, Slovenia
- 2006, Umetniški projekt Kronos, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- 2006-2014, Regijska fotografska razstava fotografov JSKD, Radlje ob Dravi, Slovenia
- 2005, Literarna Kovačnica, Šentjur, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- 2005, Interaktivna razstava mladih Jaz mislim, da…, MKC Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
- 2000, SŠOF, Galerija DIC, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 1996, Radlje v Fotografiji, Radlje ob Dravi, Slovenia