blog , nature , sacred-things
Safe Spaces
Posted on 12/23/2020

If I look back at my student years, when my inner struggles became more and more obvious to me, I realize that there haven’t been, or better to say there were only poor options, where to turn and deal with my “problem that didn’t seem like a problem”. In fact, my life was worthy of envy - being lucky enough to have a healthy supportive family, an opportunity to study, and even a student job. I was living in a country with beautiful nature, clean water, not even to mention a peaceful society
2019 , blanka-kefer , blog , text , travel-photography
Self-Isolation: Stay In Forever
Posted on 04/28/2020

suppose it is very hard at the moment for most of the humans to see how important the time of our isolation is. It is an uniqe opportunity to face our needs, to understand what matters most in our life, and to distinguish between our real and not very necessary needs. The few lucky ones are blessed to feel great liberation and freedom, not missing anything and being in very good company when spending time by themselves. Meanwhile others suffer a sense of great deprivation since until now they never had an oportunity to stop for a moment and not run from themselves for a while.
Days to Remember
Posted on 06/24/2020

The strength, the power and pure magic of the sisterhood. This is the way. Standing side by side. Making the impossible possible. To remember that we are one. We burn from the inside, to make changes to the outside. I feel so blessed and rich, becoming a witch. What a powerful shift <3
Life Celebration
Posted on 06/04/2020

Celebrating Life. Appreciating every breath and every moment, taking a break to feel fully alive here on Mother Earth. Crossing numbers, collecting experiences, perceiving beauties…I feel so privileged and humbled to be allowed to cross the limits of my mind during my lifetime <3
blanka-kefer , blog , food
Gardening For Life
Posted on 06/01/2020

Recently back home spending some time gardening, I realised I must have been living on Mars half of my adulthood not sensing the power and wisdom that is present in our Mother Earth. Obviously I needed a couple of hard landings and untying many emotional knots to finally ground and be able to remember the forgotten connection again.
blanka-kefer , blog , food , food-photography , studio-photography , text
Posted on 12/12/2019